what happened?
this could have been so funny. then you cut it short with that stupid random voice. not cool and not funny. The rest of it was pure brilliance though, as you can see from my ratings.
what happened?
this could have been so funny. then you cut it short with that stupid random voice. not cool and not funny. The rest of it was pure brilliance though, as you can see from my ratings.
The turtle was right...
...but the last line was so unexpected, yet so true that it had me cracking up. But damn, the rest of it was total shit. Maybe that was the point, I don't know, but the last line saved it for me.
This cartoon made me really horny
I just wanted to stick it up there deep inside that green little fucker as his pink girlfriend stares on in helpless horror, bound and gagged. I wish I could give this masterpiece more than 10/10. I think my dick permanently grew an inch or two after the hard-on i got from watching this cartoon. The giant orgy at the end was classic. I salute you.
I didn't even look at what aspect of the cartoon I was rating, I just gave it all a "10". Holy crap man, I loved it! All of your cartoons are just so funny.
One redeeming quality...
...I liked the music.
Oh my god, those furries are so cute and gay that they made me so horny for animals that I went and raped my dog!!!!! Seriously though, why the fuck do you waste your talent on "furries" when you could be drawing anythign else? There is nothing cool or "cute" about anthro wolves and bunnies and shit. Furries are just creepy and disgusting.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything- your animation is amazing and it is the best that I have seen in a longer time than I can remember...but for christs sake, don't you know what furries are? What they stand for? There is a certain type of social outcast that call themselves "furries". These people dress up as animals and eat raw meat and sometimes they DO fuck their pets. Furries worship anthro animations and artwork and make up anthro identities instead of their real human identities. They use retarded names like "Khabok" or "Longandshaggy" and refer to themselves as such. Furries are not social outcasts because they are rejected from normal society- Furries REJECT HUMANITY and think animals are more worthy of their concern. They are freaks and they get off to animations like yours.
This quality of this animation is truly magnificent, but to avoid being grouped with those freaks I would suggest your next animation not to feature "furries". I'm sorry that you didn't know about this before, but these people are truly horrible. I feel it my duty to inform you of this. You are truly lucky not to have seen or heard about such a person in your lifetime or else you would have known better.
there is also a certain sub-category associated with the furry fandom called "furitan" which refers to a person who enjoys anthropomorphic material purely on an AESTHETIC level based on the fantasy element posed by using anthropomorphic creatures to portray a range of social and emotional stereotypes. These people are not interested in the sexual side of anthro art, and treat it as a style moreso than a lifestyle. These are the people I'm trying to appeal to. The others are the sort who give the rest of us a bad name. I will not refrain from using anthropomorphic characters in my animations for reasons of aesthetic style because I believe that anthropomorphism is a fresh and interesting style as opposed to human manga which already has many rules laid down. With anthropomorphic animals, you can make up many of your own rules and have more freedom in the way the characters interact with each other based on what we know about the animals in real life.
If you think that all furry is about creepy people in fursuits, then you're a very shallow thinker.
Having said that, I thank you very much for your generous review, and I'm completely aware that hardcore furries exist and I will definately have you know that I have nothing to do with them. And I hate Yiff.
Pretty Funny
I laughed at this for some reason, so I feel obligated to give it a score above 6.
2nd grade humor at its worst
Now I'm sure that you and your little 2th grade buddies thought this was really funny and clever, and I'm sure that your parents thought it was brilliant too... Truly, if I was your mom then I would be proud of you. Then again if I was your mom then I'd also be proud that by 2nd grade you'd (hopefully) have had developed enough bowel control that you don't shit your pants whenever you feel like it. Alas. Instead it seems that you have found an exciting new medium for you to distribute your shit: this new medium being the "internet".
Keep your shit in your pants next time so nobody has to smell it.
Joined on 6/2/06